Learn a language

I was not interested in learning a language, because I was busy studying my major.  To study computer, the English was essential for every student. But it's only for reading, not  speaking and listening.  So I've never tried it how to speak well in English.  There were many ways to study, so I chose to see the drama or animations.  First of all, I found some Korean youtuber who is good at teaching English in Korean.  The video was very interesting because English and Korean words did not consist of a one-on one correspondence. I learned an unfamiliar expression like 'though'. Most of my friends are using 'though' expressions a lot.  But there is no word in Korea that accurately describes that meaning.  Plus, there were one different thing that makes me confusing. It was time to ask in a negative sentence.  For example, "You didn't eat lunch, right?"  the answer is like below:          If I didn't eat lunch, I had to answer "No, I didn'

Turning point

 I had my first surgery in my life on Wednesday. But that happened to be the United States. Before coming here, I was very healthy and found no problems in the medical examination. I think my parents must have been very worried because I live in another country. Fortunately, my friend who came with me gave me a guardian, and my friend drove me to the hospital. I think surgery is the first time among the university exchange students I attended. Thankfully, my friends were around me in a sick situation, so I didn't have to do everything alone and I was able to get surgery comfortably. Now, which is the recovery period, has made me look back on my life in the United States. As soon as I came, I passed by quickly because I was going through things that didn't happen in my life. It was not easy to calm down at first because I went through unexpected things where I came to have a good experience. However, it got better over time and it was an opportunity to make sure what to do in th


Halloween is not that huge event in Korea, and at that time, most of the university student needed to prepare their test. So I've never tried to costume before.  Some adults can go clubbing to wear costume in Korea, Itaewon. And they do only small events or some stores can make events. However, many korean people just enjoy the halloween, they don't know the meaning of the events.   And so do I. Before Halloween, I feel very excited.  Because many people enjoy the halloween and wear the costume.  But, I couldn't decide what to wear on Halloween.  My friends and me decide to go to Haunted House today. I like something horror things, but I've went there once in Korea, but it was really tiny place. I was surprised that almost people wore costume, and make up. And nobody cares about other people's costume.  And to enjoy the halloween, I watched some horror movie with my friends. Many movie streaming services offer horror movies now. So I can feel real america now. Addit

The importance of writing

I liked to write when I was young.  However, as I grew up, writing became difficult. In korea, high school students had to choice their study between liberal arts and natural sciences. And natural science is more tough but easy to get a job.  So I choose natural science to get more money.  Actually my math, science skills were better than a national language, I naturally became distant from writing.  And I went to college and chose my major, and I avoid all humanities subjects.  As a result, it became far from writing. Unlike when I was young, I liked reading books, and to learn Korean, English, I only focused on my major.  As I didn't do it, many things began to feel unnatural at this point when I started again.  At first, trying to write something in English, I felt that there were many such expressions that could not be expressed in Korean. In Korea, I mainly learn reading and listening, but even if there is something I want to say, I think there is a difficulty in not rememberi

The importance of health

When I was in Korea, I did not go to the hospital often. This is because I didn't believe in the effectiveness of the medicine and it didn't hurt much. Even before I came to America, I hoped that I wouldn't get sick in America. I heard that medical services are usually more expensive in the United States than in Korea.  However, just as everything doesn't always go as I thought, I had several occasions to come and go to the hospital. First, the medicine price was so high compared to Korean pharmacy. Second, I needed to wait long period to see a doctor if I wanted to go to hospital.  In Korea, patients don't have to wait, just go to hospital, but in america, I had to wait at least 1 month.  I couldn't believe that things.  To make matters worse, the insurance I subscribed to was not activated.  When I booked a hospital, they often couldn't find my insurance, and the reservation date was delayed over time. In this process, I was very stressed.  I called the in


  This documentary explains why Russia is banned from the Olympics. Icarus begins with the story of Lance Armstrong, the emperor of the cycle. Armstrong has answered that he has never used growth hormones or performance-enhancing drugs. However, this was a lie, and when it was revealed that he took the drug, Armstrong, who collapsed, melted into desire. Fogel, a documentary director who was watching this, begins an experiment on whether he is caught if he participates in a world-class competition after doping it. He decided to directly prove the defects of this system using his own body. The goal was to inject drugs into the body and prove them by receiving high grades in amateur cycling competitions beyond the French Alps. He is introduced to Grigory, director of the Moscow Olympic Research Institute, and works on the project with advice on doping. While watching the documentary, I couldn't believe that I had the courage to carry it out myself. This is because these challenges wer

To be an backend developer

My dream is to be an backend developer. It is kind of a web developer, and it makes invisible functions. For example, when using Google, we press the search button to move to the corresponding search the word.  In this case, the backend developer searches through the input word, finds the result in the database, and allows it to appear on the screen. In Korea, to get an backend developer job, it needs to study various algorithm.  And I'm in my senior year, I have to prepare so many portfolio, and algorithm test. It was really tough, and needed to concentrate with only get a job. But after I came here, I changed my thought because of time. I was so tense, because I wanted to get money quickly.  In Korea, I felt that I lived in a hurry because of the obsession of doing it quickly. So I decided to renew my mindset and slowly develop my capabilities as a developer. While I was here, I thought it was necessary to develop my English skills, prepare more portfolios, and broaden my perspec